Best photography blog posts of 2019 so far

A roundup of some blog post reading from around the web to brighten up the middle of the holiday season:


Why the moon landing shots are artistic masterpieces: a piece from The Guardian taking a photographer’s angle on the recent 50 year anniversary.

10 ways to sell your art online in 2019: a comprehensive list of outlets if you want to start selling your shots.

The paralysis of perfection: I could have tagged any of David DuChemin’s posts here, but this is one of my favourites.

Photography talks: all the TED talks in the Photography category, newest first.

Instagram predictions for 2019: this was published at the end of 2018 and it’s interesting to see how accurate the experts have been.

The British Journal of Photography: I haven’t picked a particular post here, but I’m including it in case you don’t already know about it. Lots to think about.

Are you creating trophies or memories? This is a thought-provoking post that should get you wondering why you shoot. Who are you shooting for? Do you allow room for mistakes and progress?

Apps that add intelligence: this is a short post with 4 or 5 apps that help you identify flowers, birds, animals and stars in your shots.

9 single-key Lightroom shortcuts to use every day: I only knew 2 of these. If you use Lightroom, this post will save you time and make your workflow easier.

The Instagram problem: this video from Jamie Windsor is a great reminder to think about how and where you will share your shots:

Holiday project ideas

What it’s like to shoot with only a smartphone for 6 months: could you limit yourself to shooting with your phone for a week, let alone 6 months?

Shooting at midday: a short post reminding you it’s OK to shoot in the midday sun.

When was the last time you backed up your Lightroom catalogue? Did you even know you should do this?

Intimate landscapes: be inspired by Ben Horne’s large format intimate landscapes and shoot what’s under your feet rather than always looking for the horizon.

Get off auto once and for all: join my online beginner’s photography workshop which is free by email. Details at the end of this post.

Podcasts to listen to on that long journey

Chase Jarvis Live: “Every episode is an opportunity to learn actionable insights to help you live your dreams in career, hobby, and life.”

Dr Chatterjee’s Feel Better Live More: “Become the architect of your own health. Because when you feel better, you live more.”

History of Photography: This series is a must-listen for anyone wanting to learn more about the origins of photography as an art and a craft.

How To Own The Room: ostensibly about public speaking, this podcast actually shows you how to breathe confidence into every aspect of your life. This is one of the only podcasts that I have listened to all the way through at least twice. Start with S.1 Ep 7 where Viv Groskop interviews Mary Beard in a car.

Recommended sites

Suggested by, or written by, AYWMC members:

The Lightroom Queen: accessible advice for all your Lightroom questions

Definitely Dreaming: if you want inspiration about using textures in Photoshop, and working with a LensBaby

Anne’s Photos: AYWMCer Anne charts her journey with her camera

Helen Fennell: another AYWMCer’s photo blog


Beginner’s Photography Workshop

The email version of A Year With My Camera is free. Get of auto once and for all in 6 weeks. Join here and get started today:

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Header image Brooke Lark, with permission

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