Beginner's Landscape Photography: print book launch


The print book is now for sale!

(If you prefer a pdf version scroll to the end of this post.)

Who is the book for?

If you know what aperture and shutter speed are, but can’t take a landscape shot you are happy with, this is the book for you. It takes you from the stage where you have a very basic understanding of how the camera exposes an image, to the place when you can take an image you want to hang on your wall. It leaves you with the confidence to develop your own landscape photography style, not just follow blindly what everyone else is doing.

Who is the book NOT for?

  • It’s not for intermediate and advanced landscape photographers who are already shooting with a tilt-shift, can do hyperfocal calculations on the fly, and have already published a calendar.

  • It’s not intended for anyone wanting a quick fix - landscape photography is hard work. The book cuts out the guesswork and you will make progress faster, but landscape is a long term journey.

  • It won’t tell you to fly off to Patagonia or spend a fortune on kit. This is a book for someone happy to work with what kit they have and make the most of the landscape they find themselves in.

  • It’s not for you if you are a passive learner: you need to get out and try stuff, not just sit and read about it.

  • It’s not for you if you want a glossy coffee table book. This is a field guide, designed to slip in your bag and go out with you on your adventures.

How to buy

My other books are available on Amazon. But if I sell this one on Amazon, I will make less than £3 per copy sold (mostly because it’s colour printing), so you will only be able to buy it direct from me, and I will only be selling it during windows when I am in the UK and able to ship. Click below to buy (if “out of stock” is showing, check back in a week or two):

Print quality

The book is designed as a field guide, not a coffee table book (size 6x9 in). It’s matte, digital printing, not glossy litho. Watch this short video as I flick through the book (note the space in the margins to make notes):

If the video doesn’t display, you can click here to watch it.

Part 1 of the book walks you through everything you need to know before you leave the house: what kit you need, how to research a shoot, weather considerations, and how to lose the fear of shooting in public. Part 2 has practical suggestions for a variety of specific landscape situations (eg. the sea, mountains, waterfalls) and suggested settings to start from.

When I moved from the studio to the outdoors I found the community of landscape photographers baffling (and intimidating). There was no utterly basic advice. It was assumed you knew where to stand, why the sky was important and where to focus. This book is a essentially a list of all the things I wished someone had told me before I stepped out into the hills with my camera for the first time.




Chapter 1:      Why is landscape photography such a challenge? 

Chapter 2:      Choosing kit    

Chapter 3:      Camera controls     

Chapter 4:      Light    

Chapter 5:      Composition

Chapter 6:      Editing    

Chapter 7:      Planning    

Chapter 8:      Do’s and don’ts   

Chapter 9:      Road trip tips   

Chapter 10:    Shooting in all weathers 


Chapter 11:   Coastal

Chapter 12:   Mountains

Chapter 13:   Lakes

Chapter 14:   Waterfalls

Chapter 15:   Sunrise and sunset

Chapter 16:   Black and white

Chapter 17:   Structures in the landscape

Chapter 18:   Night

Chapter 19:   Long exposure

Chapter 20:   Phone photography

Chapter 21:   Panorama

Print version:

pdf version:

Do you need a reminder of the basics?

If this book is too advanced for you at the moment, and you just want to learn how to shoot off auto mode, then my beginner’s workshop A Year With My Camera is for you. You can buy the workbooks on Amazon or sign up to get the free email course:

Click here to subscribe

BooksEmma Davies